Friday, June 19, 2009

June 19, 2009

I really have to get better about updating this more frequently. Since it has been over a month since our last post, I will have to keep this pretty brief.

Heidi, Ethan, and Lily just got back from Lily's 2-month checkup. So far, Lily is 24" long and not even 11 lbs. She is most definitely a little peanut! She must not have gotten the 'solid Schmidt build' gene from her dad. This seems to be the trend with all our kids so far, though. One thing that has been very different with Lily so far is her sleep pattern. She has been consistently sleeping through the night (which has been a great help for Heidi!), and she has also been very aware throughout the day. Lily has been a wonderful addition to our family.

Ethan went to the doctor today for some of his immunizations, too. Over the past couple of days, he has been pretty stressed about it. "I don't want to get a shot. They hurt." Of course, I don't think it helped a whole lot that he was in the room last fall when Aubrey screamed like a banshee when she got her shots for kindergarten. Apparently, though, Ethan was quite a trooper. He was really nervous about getting the shot - until the nurse showed him the camouflage band-aid he was going to get. Then he jumped up on the table and was ready to go! Heidi says that he was really good about the whole thing. For his first shot, Ethan was in the middle of telling the nurse that he didn't need a shot. He was in midsentence when she gave him the shot, and Ethan stopped what he was saying and said, "Ow, that hurt," and that was it.

Here's a picture of Ethan and his band-aid.

Aubrey has been as sweet as ever. Lately, she has become pen pals with her teacher from last year. She will stay up late at night, thinking of all the things she wants to write to Mrs. Brauer. It has been really cute to see her creativity flourish. If you check out Heidi's facebook page (, you will see a picture of a bird ring that Aubrey made for Heidi. She did this using various things she found in our backyard and taping them together. She gave it to Heidi, "So you can always be a princess and have a bird on your finger, Mom." How funny is that?

Heidi has been really enjoying spending time with everybody. With Aubrey and Ethan at home, Lily still a little baby, and school out of session for the summer, the entire family has more of a chance to hang out. Heidi has also been busy with our church's playgroup. Last month, 10 moms got together to hang out and socialize at church. The kids all had a chance to play together, too. Heidi has been working with another member of the congregation to run the group, and so far it has been very fulfilling for her. She is looking forward to many more enjoyable days with the playgroup.

I have certainly not been looking for things to do so far this summer. In April, I started umpiring softball again. This is year 5 for me (I think, maybe it's 6). So far it has been a pretty good season, and the extra cash is a good way to finance summer trips/graduate classes. I will finish my first class towards my Master's in education technology next week. If you are in the Omaha area, you are more than welcome to come and check out my class's Multiple Intelligences Fair on the UNO campus at Kayser Hall, room 259, next Wednesday starting at 5:00. It has been a really great course for me to take, and I have learned a great deal. My last piece of exciting news is that I have been asked to do an interview for the WELSTech podcast (the podcast will be available Wednesday, June 24th, at WELSTech is a program run by the WELS technology office to talk about technology and its implications for ministry. The focus of the upcoming show is Twitter and practical applications for teachers. You can follow me on Twitter at

That's all I have for now (for real!). Feel free to leave a comment below.